you pick up Kink expecting a sanitized-for-your-protection autobiography,
you're in for a bit of a shock.
Unlike his brother's "Unauthorized Autobiography", Dave makes no
attempt to gloss over, sugar coat or deceive. In fact, there are passages
where his honesty is almost too painful and raw to read with any level of
detachment. I had to put the book down at some points because my heart hurt
too much to read on.
Kink starts out with the humble beginnings of Dave and his family,
including some rather telling stories of early signs of the animosity that
would become such a focus of media attention between Dave and Ray Davies later
on in their lives.
This book deals honestly with such societal taboos as bisexuality, drug use,
depression, bankruptcy, the occult and all sorts of other subjects that most
authors would shy away from. Dave doesn't apologize for anything, nor does
he attempt to portray himself as person above reproach. He tells it like it
is, you either accept him for himself or you can sod off !
On some levels this autobiography could seem like the typical drugs, sex
and rock n' roll tale. But Dave Davies isn't 'like everybody else' ! Somewhere
in the early 1980s Dave had a spiritual awakening, that he attributes to "Intelligences"
and others have branded a result of heavy drug usage or drinking. It takes
a brave person to open themselves up to the general public about UFOs and
non-corporeal entities that speak to rock guitarists in strange hotel rooms.
But this is typical of Dave's unflinching writing style in Kink.
Whatever it was, it was the turning point in his life. He cleaned up his act,
and became a much more aware and happy person.
And that can't be all bad.
-Leslie M. Ohanian
Kink is now available in paperback.